Food Safety Manager - Wisconsin Dells (In person class, same day results with digital exam)
Monday, September 8, 2025 (8:30 AM - 3:00 PM) (CDT)
To obtain a National Certified Food Safety Manager License, you must pass a state-approved exam. The TLW class prepares you first, and then administers the exam the same day. For establishments with more than five (5) food handlers you MUST have a licensed-certified Food Manager on staff at each location. A food handler is any individual engaged in the preparation or processing of food. Examples include:
• a chef
• a waitress that prepares a salad
• a server that scoops ice cream
• a bartender that cooks a frozen pizza or drops breaded mushrooms, etc. into a fryer*
Note that if you are renewing your Food Safety Manager License, you are not required to take the class again - only the exam is required.
We encourage you to download the following documents to review prior to the class and for reference thereafter:
• Cooking: Time-Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS)
• Refrigerator Storage Chart
• Wisconsin Food Code

242 Lake Shore Drive
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 United States
Food Safety Classes